Kurrikula e Programit 2D me Narrativë

The Academic Animation Program offers a comprehensive curriculum blending traditional art techniques with digital technologies, preparing students for diverse careers in film, television, gaming, and multimedia.

The Academic Animation Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to cultivate creative and technical skills in the field of animation. Stundens will engage in a blend of traditional art techniques and cutting-edge digital technologies, fostering a deep understanding of animation principles and industry standarts. The program’s rigorous coursework covers character design, storyboarding, 3D modeling, and visual effects, preparing graduates for diverse careers in film, television, gaming, and multimedia production.

With access to state-of-the-art studios and mentorship from industry professionals, students will have the opportunity to collaborate on real-world projects and develop a compelling portfolio. The program emphasizes both artistic expression and technical proficiency, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to contribute and innovate within the dynamic field of animation. Hands-on workshops, internships, and networking further enrich the learning experience, making the Academic Animation Program a gateway to success in the animation industry.

  • Informata të përgjithshme


    • Kohëzgjatja e programit: 1 vit akademik i ndarë në 2 semestra. Semestri i parë fillon në Tetor dhe përfundon në Dhjetor. Semestri i dytë fillon në Janar dhe përfundon në Qershor.
    • Numri i klasëve: 120 klasë në total, që shpalosin tërë procesin e krijimit të një animacioni të shkurtër me narrativë.
    • Klasët:
        1. Dramaturgji.
        2. Animacion.
        3. Dizajn i Karaktereve.
        4. Dizajn i Skenës.
      • Madhësia e grupit: Grup i vogël prej 9 deri në 12 Studentë.
      • Hapësira punuese përfshin: Studion e animacionit, së bashku me kompjuterë dhe tablet të vizatimit.
      • Stafi: Përbëhet nga profesionist të fushës së animacionit dhe filmit të shkurtër me përvojë në edukim dhe
      • Extracurricular Activities: Animation club, industry guest lectures, lots of workshops and Anibar Film Festival.
      • Group work to emulate studio enviroment
      • Capstone project & 75% class participation is required for graduation
      • Matchmaking event that concludes in a paid internship

    Klasët dhe Tutorët


    This course focuses on the foundational elements of narrative structure, character development, and dialogue creation. Students will learn to craft complelling stories and write scripts tailored for animation projects, enhancing their ability to convey emotions and themes effectively.


    Ari Zharku

    Ari Zharku

    Tutor i Dizajnit të Skenës

    CV and LindkedIN


    This course covers the coreprincipals of animation, including timing, spacing and movement. Students will practice traditional and digital animation techniques, working on projects that range from short excercises to fully realized animation sequences.

    Flaka Kokolli

    Flaka Kokolli

    Film Producer and Animator

    CV, Portfolio and Instagram

    Dizajn i Skenës

    This course covers the coreprincipals of animation, including timing, spacing and movement. Students will practice traditional and digital animation techniques, working on projects that range from short excercises to fully realized animation sequences.


    Arian Zharku

    Arian Zharku

    Film Producer, Painter and Animator

    CV and Instagram

    Dizajn i Karaktereve

    This course covers the coreprincipals of animation, including timing, spacing and movement. Students will practice traditional and digital animation techniques, working on projects that range from short excercises to fully realized animation sequences.


    Edvin Susuri

    Edvin Susuri

    Animator and Illustrator

    CV and Instagram